Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"I don't have time"

One of my all-time favorite excuses I've ever heard is "I don't have time".  I've lost touch with great friends over the years because they didn't have time to return phone calls.  I have upset Emily SO many times because I told myself I didn't have time to do something she wanted me to do.  I have probably missed out on alot of great opportunities in my life because I told myself I didn't have time. 
One of the many wise things my father passed on to me was the idea that we will make time for anything in our lives that is important to us.  If spending time with our families is important then we will find time to do that, if going to the lake is important to us we will find time, if reading our bible is important to us we will find time to do that, if stalking people on facebook is important...
As I grow in my personal faith I am striving (although continually failing) to make Christ the #1 priority in my life and I challenge everyone else to do the same and see what happens (but this isn't a Joel Osteen blog).  In teaching courses on health and wellness, talking to folks with similar interests and just observing our culture I have come to a realization that we as Americans love to make things easy for ourselves but still struggle with fitness. Our phones can swipe credit cards, our cars can park themselves and our electronics can turn themselves on and off.  The irony in this is that as we make things easier for ourselves (which should make more time for other things) we still manage to say "I don't have time".  I have a passion for getting people into shape and keeping them there.  That is my challenge.  Wherever you are in your life make time!  Do it for your kids, do it for your future health, just do it!  You don't have to go to a gym every day or at all.  You don't have to eat salad every meal but perhaps you shouldn't be on a first name basis with the drive through lady at McDonalds either.  Small changes can make a BIG difference (The Tipping Point).  Write down what consumes your time and get your priorities in line. 
 So... I say all of this to give you installment #1 of your 15 minute at home workout and food challenge for the week. 

Do as many sets as you need to get 30 reps of each of the following

Chair Dips
Pushups or modified pushups
Wide Leg Situps
Static Lunges

*Do this workout 4 times this week. 
*If this looks easy to you then try the "Shredded '11" workout that I will be posting Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's

Food Challenge for this week
Write down everything you eat for 3 days
Add one serving of vegetables to one of your meals each day this week


  1. Such great advice on many levels. I am so proud of you.

  2. Great Blog bro. I didn't know you were writing. Good stuff!!! I have been counting calories and hitting the gym up 4 days a week. Limiting to 1,500 calories a day, 100 ounces of water daily, abs daily and lifting 3 days a week. Lost 12 pounds and 2 inches in 3 weeks. I may call you for more advice. I want to lose 30 pounds total. How should I mix up my lifting routine?

    Jimmy V

  3. nice work jimmy! I just started writing so we will see how it goes. as far as losing weight I would suggest cardio as often as you can do it. mix up your workouts by doing some circuit training. getting your heart rate up and down is a very efficient way to burn body fat. The more you can keep your body guessing the more it will have to work. Good luck buddy and ask all the questions you want. Try some of the shredded workouts I post...
