Friday, September 5, 2014

Golf Workout 2

10 reps of each 3 times through

Medicine Ball Push-Up
Inverted Row on Stability Ball

Walking Lunges with Club twist
*Use golf club

Side Plank with leg lift

Dips with Hip Abduction
*dip then move hips back and forth
Bridge SLR

Golf Workout 1

3 times through

10 Overhead Walking Lunges each leg

15 Pelvic Tilts on all fours

8 KB Deadlift

5 Superman’s on stability ball with weight in hand each side

10 Box-Step Up-twist with just upper body

12 Straight to Side

10 Lat Pulldowns

Golf Workouts

Click on the links below for specialized workouts

Workout 1
Workout 2
Workout 3

Hip Stability
Hip Mobility
Upper Body Mobility
Upper Body Stability