Tuesday, July 17, 2012


This workout incorporates aspects of all 3 phases that we have been doing.  Go through 3 times.

10 Burpees

5 Heel Taps (each leg)
(*remember: just tap your heel on the ground & come right back up)

5 Power Clean-Press
(*use dumbbells if you have to)
(*the PRESS isn't shown in the picture, dont forget it!)

8 Inverted Rows

12 V-ups

10 Single Leg Balance Hops with Hold (each leg)
(*stand on one leg then jump AHAYC & land on the other. Hold for a 3 count, repeat.)

FINISHER: Run Stairs for 5 minutes
then...jog for 5 minutes
then...5 more mintues of stairs
then...cool down jog

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