Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Easy Plyo

10-Minute Plyometrics Workout

Warm up with 3 minutes of walking lunges, deep squats, and jumping jacks to prepare your legs for maximal-effort jumping.
Jump as high as you can off both feet and kick your butt (literally). Repeat 20 times.
Rest one minute.
Assume a split stance (one foot a half-step ahead of the other), bend down, and jump as high as you can. In midair, reverse the positions of your legs and land in the new stance. Continue jumping and alternating your leg positions until you've competed 20 total jumps.
Rest one minute.
Stand on your right foot with your left knee bent and your left foot elevated. Bend down and jump as high as you can. Land on the same foot. Complete 10 total jumps and then do 10 more off the left foot.

*based on a workout from active.com

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