Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Circuit 3

Do this circuit 5 times through as fast as you can.  Try to go without rest.  At the end of each round you have a different exercise to perform that will increase your heart rate a bit more.  This is an extremely effective way to burn body fat.

10 Static Arm Curls
*Hold one arm steady while you curl the other, do 10 reps then switch arms

10 Standing Side Crunch
(each side)

15 Dumbbell Deadlifts

12 Lying Dumbbell Pullovers

10 Flip Grip Tricep Kickbacks
(each side)
*rotate finishing at the top (B) with your palm up and palm down every other rep

10 Shoulder Straightforward Raises
(each side)


After Round 1: 30 situps (with legs elevated)
After Round 2: 15 box/step jumps

After Round 3: 30 straight leg raises

After Round 4: 30 mountain climbers

After Round 5: Plank hold for 1 minute

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