Monday, October 31, 2011

Chest and Tri's: Round 1

We started Chest and Triceps last week.  I am trying to focus on movments that will strengthen the Pecs but more importantly the muscles that stabilize those movements.  We are staying away from traditional flat barbell bench press for a few weeks while we focus on the surrounding musculature. 

Chest and Triceps
*4 sets of 4-8 reps increasing weight with each set

Neutral Grip DB Chest Press
(we do these laying on the floor.  this builds strength at your "sticking point")

Cable Kneeling Concentration Triceps ExtensionCable Kneeling Concentration Triceps Extension
Single Arm Cable Tricep Extensions

Cable Crossovers

Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension

Incline Bench Press

Tricep Cable Pushdowns

DB Chest Flys

Close Grip Bench Press

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